Saturday, July 21, 2012

Start from the beginning

To start this off, I'd like to share a few words of wisdom. I feel like I can be honest here, so I won't hold back. Meat is dead, rotting flesh. It will sit in your colon and continue to rot for many years. Sugar is crack in a different form. Artificial sweeteners will kill you. Dairy is pure fat.

I don't mean to be harsh, you guys. I just need to come from a place of truth if we're going to have an e-relationship of this nature. This is going to be an adventure in vegan health for all of us. Instead of eating fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'm going to chronicle my tales of cooking sans animal byproducts for personal benefit, but also to (hopefully) inspire some other unhappy lard-o's out there.

I think the best course of action is to start from the beginning here. The beginning of your day, obviously. Eating breakfast every morning is one of the best things you can do to show a little self lovin'. Unless you're eating two sausage and egg sandwiches and hash browns with sugar-loaded orange juice. If THAT'S your case, you are showing self hatred. Your body doesn't want that garbage. What nutrients could you possibly derive from a meal like that? Grease is not included in the major food groups, people.

Recently, I decided to try a healthy twist on the basic toaster waffle breakfast, and the result was basically magnificent. Instead of the waffles from our childhood that were loaded with empty starch, I switched it out for toaster flax waffles. Flax is awesome for lots of reasons, but I'll cover that a little later. Add a little soy butter to the waffles, some agave nectar, sliced almonds and fresh fruits of your choosing. I prefer blueberries and bananas, but you literally can put anything you want on there. As long as they're fresh fruits! Stay away from the cans, everyone! Those are mutated, zombie versions of the fruits that they once were.

That's all for now, everyone. Next time, we'll talk about what you're shoveling down your gullets in the afternoon.


  1. All of what you said is the truth. The truth hurts me, but it is common sense. I always wanted to eat healthily, but could only think of salad and fruit. Hopefully I can find more ideas for good meals here.

    And eeep, my last LJ post is just pics of the bad foods you just described. Don't look there!!!

  2. But I miss pizza! And cheeseburgers! And taquitos! And slurpees!

  3. Eating healthier is more fun than you might think! I'll post a lot more alternatives and where to find substitutes and such!

    Nicole, you know you don't actually miss that stuff. For shame! Haha.
